Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 2 Proverbs 3:5-8 reflection

-not a word with a wonderful reputation in our culture. After all, society encourages us to be our own person, be independent, accomplish things on our own, and succeed at all costs. But today’s scripture tells me not to lean on my own understanding, not to be wise in my own eyes.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart…
For me this means a surrender of control, allowing God to take the reins and influence my actions.

In some cases, this is pretty easy. When I ask Him in prayer to protect those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, across the world, it’s easy to give Him control because I am overwhelmed with an inability to do anything else. It’s also easy to give Him control when praying for healing – again, knowing I personally can’t cure anyone.

In all your ways, acknowledge Him…
If I’m honest, there are areas of my life that are extremely difficult to surrender. Even when I remember to ask God to speak into them, I often don’t take the time to wait for His reply. Mostly because I think I’ve already got it figured out, it’s a trust/pride/humility issue. I usually want my feelings to matter most, but God has a different plan. And sometimes that plan doesn’t make any sense at the time. Why am I so stubborn when I know that He knows what’s best for me and can use any situation to grow me?

When I DO humble myself, surrender a situation to Him, and trust in Him with all my heart, He is ALWAYS faithful in turning out the best result. He helps me resolve things in a God-honoring way. Everyone around me is happier. :- )

Look around you for the once-impossible things that have become possible. Encourage your faith and trust in God by giving him the credit for the possibilities in your life.

1 comment:

Mike Moseng said...

Thanks, MB, for your post. I'm sure glad "I" have no ego or control problems! :)