Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 1 - Genesis 12 reflection

The passage for today was a key passage in Greg's message yesterday. It has been one of my favorite passages because it describes a pivotal moment in Abraham's life. Others include his name change, the birth of his son at 100 years of age and then the almost sacrifice of his son. It's these moments that shape us. Sometimes these moments only become significant to us in hindsight. You think back and realize how significant that really was.

I relate to Abraham in part. While my "calling" was not as audible, I too have felt the call to leave my homeland (Oklahoma) and live for God's mission in a foreign land (C'mon, don't try to tell me NW Indiana is not strange). While that certainly has its challenges and drawbacks, it by and large has been a huge blessing. Which brings me to one of the points of this passage.

How am I being a blessing?

How can I be a blessing?

My prayer is certainly that the East campus will be a blessing. The leadership of it has certainly been a calling for me. But I think that is the obvious thing in my life. I'm asking today, "How can I be a blessing in ways that has nothing to do with the fact I'm a pastor?"

I'm not sure I have great answers, yet. But here is where my list is starting, or rather continuing as I have been thinking about this for a little while:

  • I need to get my newest neighbors over to my house. That may mean dinner, coffee or whatever. I just need to get to know them.
  • My wife has some family that is in real need. I need to engage more with her on how WE can help them.
  • This may sound cheesy, but I feel so blessed to be married to Sheila. I really do need to do something to bless her...and Valentine's day is coming up, so...looks like a golden opportunity.

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