Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 19 - Colossians 4:2-6

For 19 days now, I've been asking God what he is saying to me through these passages and what he has next for me. If you are like me, this one was almost too clear.

It hinges on a simple concept: God is interested in using me to change someone's life. More specifically (and more importantly!) he might even use me to change someone's eternal destiny. Sharing Jesus with people outside the church is a precious opportunity...make the most of it!

Pray. Pray. Pray. Why do I skip this essential part of sharing my faith with people when this short passage mentions it 3 times? But when I pray "that God may open a door for our message" It really works...that's probably both because God is opening up opportunities AND because I'm much more aware of the opportunities around me after I have prayed.

I'm stopping to pray for that right now (will you right now too?).

I'm also praying that when the opportunity does come, I won't mess it up. I fear I will, don't you? But this is part of letting God speak through me with a clarity I can't muster on my own. The times I've done this, God has always come through. Always.

If Prayer give me the words to say, it is apparently my tone and sensitivity that will really make the message either appealing or repulsive. So we need to "be wise how we act" and make sure our words are "grace-filled". No arrogance. No judgement. No selfishness. No hellfire. No brimstone. No self-righteousness. No sales job. No bait and switch. No pressure., grace, acceptance, they might experience the transforming per of Jesus.

I have some conversations to engage in today.

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