How many times have I heard teaching on this passage? How many times have I read this over the past 36 years? It was the scripture passage in Bible college and seminary, helping us to understand and reminding us why we were preparing for ministry. And yet this morning, as I read it again and wondered what I could add that was new and fresh, a few things jumped out at me. First, the statement that the 11 disciples were at the mountain in Galilee where Jesus instructed them to meet Him. Judas had already hung himself. He was dead. Ouch! And then the statement that when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. Some of who? The 11? The ones that lived with him for 3 years, who saw him after the resurrection? They still doubted? I wanted to continue reading the story to get some more information, turned the page, and stared at the Gospel of Mark. I had forgotten that this is literally the last two verses in the book of Matthew.
So, what did Jesus tell the 11, some of whom still doubting? He didn't "yell" at them for their doubts, but he did tell them that he had all authority in heaven and earth (v. 18), and that he wanted them to go, baptize and teach. Go make disciples in all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And teach them to observe all that he had taught them over the past 3 years.
And then he added one more statement. One of the very last things he told his chosen men, whom he dearly loved despite their doubts, fears, hardheadedness, and human frailties. Paraphrased it would read something like "and guys, I'll always be with you, until I return".
So, what is the take-away for us in this passage? Where are we going to go? Who is it that we are to tell? Will we get "called" to the "mission field"? This is the very place many have stopped. Have come to a complete halt waiting for some sign. Some specific direction. And sat. And waited. With pure hearts and good intention. Yep, any moment now God is going to tell me where He wants me to go. Any time now. Real soon. Just waiting...............
Meanwhile, to really bring it home, thousands of people have begun and will continue to move into the "Gates", and more live in St. John, Cedar Lake, Crown Point, Merrillville and Hobart that need to be told, baptized and taught. Where do we go? You can literally look out any of the exits of our church building and see new homes, new opportunities to go and tell. Or, you can tell those you know in your sphere of influence. Or members of your family who need to hear.
Yes, it is "The Great Commission", but it's personal and local in its scope until God tells otherwise. Begin to go, baptize, teach, right where you are. And He'll be with you always.
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