You've found the 21 Day Challenge blog. This was originally a companion resource to a challenge we gave the Suncrest family during the Catalyst Message series. However, it still stands as a great way to grow in your faith.
It's easy really. Start anytime and plan to spend 21 days in Scripture asking the question, "How can God use me to make a difference?"
Then see what God does.
That's it. It's that simple. Have a great adventure.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
It's the end, but it's just the beginning
We've reached the end of our 21 Day Challenge, but it's really the beginning. What did you learn? How did you grow? What did God say to you? Do you have direction for the next step in your spiritual life?
I hope that the 21 day challenge was a good experience for you. I know it was for us staff. But the journey doesn't end here. It really is just beginning. I hope that you will continue digesting Scripture and asking God how He wants to use you to make a difference.
I'm going to leave this blog up for awhile as a tool to help others. Just because we won't be doing this all together as a church, it can be used anytime by anyone wanting to jump into a reading plan of Scripture. 21 days...that's all it takes to establish a habit that can change your life.
If you'd like to create a reading plan for the rest of the year, you can go to and create a customized reading plan that fits your schedule.
Happy reading.
I hope that the 21 day challenge was a good experience for you. I know it was for us staff. But the journey doesn't end here. It really is just beginning. I hope that you will continue digesting Scripture and asking God how He wants to use you to make a difference.
I'm going to leave this blog up for awhile as a tool to help others. Just because we won't be doing this all together as a church, it can be used anytime by anyone wanting to jump into a reading plan of Scripture. 21 days...that's all it takes to establish a habit that can change your life.
If you'd like to create a reading plan for the rest of the year, you can go to and create a customized reading plan that fits your schedule.
Happy reading.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Day 21 - 1 Peter 4:8-11
Hey, this is Kevin one last time. So glad I get to write the final scripture post for our 21 Day Challenge... I hope God has spoken to you about how you can make a difference, as you've meditated on His word.
1. Love- So many of our passages in this challenge have mentioned love! I feel God is helping me understand something very important: I should never serve out of a feeling of obligation, but rather as an overflow of my love for God and the people around me.
2. Confidence- Why be tentative about doing what God has made us to do? The "speak as if speaking the words of God" sentiment is a challenge to me personally; I don't have trouble believing things, or saying things, but I rarely come across as really believing what I am saying. If I am speaking to those around me out of the wisdom of the Word of God and a heart of love, then I need to deliver those words like they are truth... because, well, they are! The passage uses other examples, like hospitality and serving, but you get the idea: if we're doing what God wants us to do, we should do it boldly as an act of worship, giving him glory.
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."As I read this passage today, two words came to mind:
1. Love- So many of our passages in this challenge have mentioned love! I feel God is helping me understand something very important: I should never serve out of a feeling of obligation, but rather as an overflow of my love for God and the people around me.
2. Confidence- Why be tentative about doing what God has made us to do? The "speak as if speaking the words of God" sentiment is a challenge to me personally; I don't have trouble believing things, or saying things, but I rarely come across as really believing what I am saying. If I am speaking to those around me out of the wisdom of the Word of God and a heart of love, then I need to deliver those words like they are truth... because, well, they are! The passage uses other examples, like hospitality and serving, but you get the idea: if we're doing what God wants us to do, we should do it boldly as an act of worship, giving him glory.
God, I see the way you designed me and I understand the passions you've given me, but still I am unsure of myself. Even as I look forward to the launch of the East Campus and my involvement there, I question whether I'm the right person to help our church family thrive in that area. Give me the strength I need, and confidence like what you have in me, Father. Help me push aside all fear, and instead be motivated by love. Thank you for giving us your word, so deep in wisdom.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Day 20 – Hebrews 10:23-24
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Being used by God to change lives… This is what runs through my mind as I read this passage. But first I need to claim the hope I have in Jesus because he is my inspiration, my reason for the hope. Then I call to mind the many times God has proved himself faithful in my life. Somehow that’s so easy when my life seems trouble-free, not so easy when difficulties are all around. In difficult times, I need to be still and remember His faithfulness.
For me, the most fun I have in leading the group ministry at Suncrest is encouraging group leaders to spur their groups on toward love and good deeds. Last summer, group ministry had a $100 challenge where each group received a $100 bill and was asked to use this money to make a difference in our community…. WOW, did they ever step up to the challenge! Not only did most groups build on the $100, but our community experienced creative acts of service, kindness, and the love of Jesus was spread farther than we could ever do as individuals. We even sent a deaf school from the Black Oak area to see Blue Man Group! That was their dream come true.
Spurring one another on is CONTAGIOUS! It’s been fun to watch groups continue to grow in this area. Many groups even did some service over Christmas, and others have already planned a service project for 2008!
The best way to do encourage others is by example. When my love and good deeds are known, they become an inspiration for others to do the same. Maybe we can find out how God would use us in the launch of our second campus? As more people sign up for the launch team – it really becomes contagious and exciting! Others become 'spurred on.'
We need to always look for opportunities to serve and be a light in a dark world… to be used by God to change lives!
Being used by God to change lives… This is what runs through my mind as I read this passage. But first I need to claim the hope I have in Jesus because he is my inspiration, my reason for the hope. Then I call to mind the many times God has proved himself faithful in my life. Somehow that’s so easy when my life seems trouble-free, not so easy when difficulties are all around. In difficult times, I need to be still and remember His faithfulness.
For me, the most fun I have in leading the group ministry at Suncrest is encouraging group leaders to spur their groups on toward love and good deeds. Last summer, group ministry had a $100 challenge where each group received a $100 bill and was asked to use this money to make a difference in our community…. WOW, did they ever step up to the challenge! Not only did most groups build on the $100, but our community experienced creative acts of service, kindness, and the love of Jesus was spread farther than we could ever do as individuals. We even sent a deaf school from the Black Oak area to see Blue Man Group! That was their dream come true.
Spurring one another on is CONTAGIOUS! It’s been fun to watch groups continue to grow in this area. Many groups even did some service over Christmas, and others have already planned a service project for 2008!
The best way to do encourage others is by example. When my love and good deeds are known, they become an inspiration for others to do the same. Maybe we can find out how God would use us in the launch of our second campus? As more people sign up for the launch team – it really becomes contagious and exciting! Others become 'spurred on.'
We need to always look for opportunities to serve and be a light in a dark world… to be used by God to change lives!
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